
Square Federalism: A New Approach to Building National Unity in Ethiopia 

May 2023 


Ethiopian Ethnic Federalism: A Divisive System that Needs Reform Ethiopia’s 

Ethnic Federalism system was introduced in 1991 to bring about peace and stability in a country that has a diverse ethnic makeup. However, instead of promoting unity and equality, it has brought about numerous problems and conflicts that continue to plague the country. 

One of the most pressing issues related to Ethnic Federalism is ethnic hate. Many ethnic groups in Ethiopia hold negative stereotypes and prejudices about other groups, leading to discrimination, violence, and hate speech. This has resulted in conflicts between groups, such as the Amhara Vs Oromo Vs Tigray Vs Somali, which have resulted in countless deaths and displacement of people. The killing of people based on their ethnicity is another serious problem in Ethiopia 

Ethiopia is a country with diverse ethnic groups that have coexisted for centuries. However, in recent years, ethnic conflicts and tensions have risen, leading to a sense of insecurity and instability across the country. These conflicts are rooted in the Ethnic Federalism system that was introduced in 1991, which aimed to address historical injustices and promote equal representation and autonomy among ethnic groups. 

While Ethnic Federalism was initially seen as a solution to Ethiopia’s ethnic conflicts, it has instead contributed to further division and fragmentation of the country. The system has created a set of problems that have left many Ethiopians feeling disenfranchised and marginalized, contributing to ongoing conflict and tension. Additionally, the country has witnessed an unfair distribution of regional resources, a lack of movement between regions, and requests for independence based on Article 39, all of which exacerbate existing tensions. 

As such, it is clear that Ethiopian Ethnic Federalism is a divisive system that needs reform. While the system has some benefits, such as providing greater autonomy to ethnic groups, the negative impacts of the system far outweigh its positives. It is essential that policymakers work together to address these problems and promote greater unity, integration, and peace in Ethiopia. 

   Square Federalism 

To address these challenges, I propose a new approach to federalism in Ethiopia: Square Federalism. This system would divide the country into square regions based on GPS measurements, rather than along ethnic lines. By using geographical boundaries to create regions, we can dissolve the ethnic view of people and think about how they can grow together. 

The construction of the square regions will be based on fair and equitable principles, ensuring that each region is representative of the diverse populations within Ethiopia. By creating regions that are not based on ethnicity, we can avoid the politicization of ethnicity that has led to tensions and conflicts between different groups. 

To accompany this article, here is an image that illustrates the concept of Square Federalism: 

       Figure 1: An image of sample square federalism 

This map shows how Square Federalism would divide the country into square regions based on GPS measurements, rather than along ethnic lines. Each region would be representative of the diverse populations within Ethiopia, and would be constructed based on fair and equitable principles. By creating regions that are not based on ethnicity, we can promote greater unity and cooperation between all Ethiopians. 

Once the square regions have been created, the integration process can begin. This will involve investing in infrastructure, education, and healthcare in marginalized regions, and addressing issues of land ownership and resource distribution. By working towards a more inclusive and cohesive society, we can ensure that all Ethiopians feel a sense of belonging and have access to resources and opportunities. 

We recognize that some may have concerns about erasing Article 39, which 2 guarantees the right to self-determination for Ethiopia’s ethnic groups. However, it is important to find a balance between ensuring national unity and respecting the rights and identities of different ethnic groups. By focusing on national interest and integration, we can work towards a system that promotes greater unity and cooperation between all Ethiopians. 

One of the key benefits of Square Federalism is that it promotes a sense of national identity that transcends ethnic divisions. By creating regions based on geographical boundaries, we can create a sense of shared identity and purpose that is not based on ethnicity. This will help to build a more cohesive and inclusive society, where all Ethiopians can feel a sense of belonging. 

Another benefit of Square Federalism is that it promotes greater representation and accountability. By creating regions that are not based on ethnicity, we can ensure that all Ethiopians have an equal say in the governance of their region. This will help to prevent the marginalization of certain groups, and ensure that all Ethiopians have access to resources and opportunities. 

Square Federalism offers a new approach to federalism in Ethiopia that addresses the challenges of Ethnic Federalism while promoting greater unity and cooperation between all Ethiopians. By creating square regions based on fair and equitable principles, and focusing on national interest and integration, we can work towards a more inclusive and cohesive society that benefits all Ethiopians. 

In the United States, there are several states that share a straight line border, yet they manage to live together without any major conflicts. For example, the borders between Utah and Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico, and Oklahoma and Texas are all straight lines that were drawn based on geographic features. 

Despite the fact that these borders were not drawn based on ethnic or linguistic considerations, the people who live on either side of the border have managed to coexist relatively peacefully. There are many factors that contribute to this peaceful coexistence, including cultural similarities, economic ties, and a shared sense of identity as Americans. 

One of the main reasons that these states are able to live together without conflict is that they have developed strong economic ties. For example, the states of Utah and Colorado share a thriving tourism industry that is based on their natural beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities. Similarly, the states of Oklahoma and Texas share a robust energy sector that drives their economies. By working together and supporting each other’s industries, these states have been able to build strong relationships that transcend their borders. 

      Figure 2: An image of line borders in United State of America 

Another factor that contributes to the peaceful coexistence of these states is their shared sense of identity as Americans. Despite their different histories and cultural backgrounds, the people who live in these states share a common language, culture, and set of values that bind them together as a nation. This sense of shared identity helps to bridge the gap between different ethnic and linguistic groups and promotes unity and understanding. 

Of course, there are still disagreements and tensions that arise from time to time, but overall, the people who live on either side of these straight line borders have learned to live together in peace and harmony. Their success provides an important lesson for other countries that are struggling with ethnic and linguistic divisions. By focusing on economic ties, shared identity, and a commitment to peace and understanding, it is possible to build a more harmonious and unified society, even in the face of deep-seated differences. 

   Square federalism for Future of Horn of Africa

East Africa is home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies, and there is a growing recognition of the need for regional integration to promote economic growth and development. While various efforts have been made in the past to unite East African countries, including the formation of the East African Community, significant challenges remain. 

One potential solution to these challenges is the adoption of Square Federalism, which could create a framework for regional integration that promotes greater unity, cooperation, and economic growth. By dividing the region into square regions, it would be possible to dissolve ethnic views and encourage people to think about how they can grow together as a unified economic zone. 

With Square Federalism, the countries in the region would be able to work together to develop and promote shared economic policies and strategies. The fair distribution of resources across the economic zone would be guaranteed, as every region would have equal access to resources and development opportunities. Moreover, the system would make it easier for people to move across borders, promoting greater mobility and exchange of ideas. 

The benefits of Square Federalism for East Africa could be significant. By promoting greater unity and cooperation, it could help to create a more stable and prosperous economic zone, with increased trade, investment, and job opportunities. It could also help to reduce conflict and competition between countries in the region, promoting peace and stability. 

      Figure 3: An image of sample square federalism in Horn of Africa 

Of course, there would be challenges associated with the adoption of Square Federalism, including the need for political will, cooperation, and investment. However, the potential benefits of such a system are clear, and it is time for policymakers and citizens in East Africa to consider this alternative approach to regional integration.


Square Federalism could be a powerful tool for promoting regional integration in East Africa. By dissolving ethnic views and promoting greater unity, cooperation, and economic growth, it could help to create a more stable and prosperous economic zone that benefits all its citizens. It is time for East African countries to seriously consider this alternative approach to regional integration and work together to explore its potential benefits. 


In conclusion, it is clear that Ethiopian Ethnic Federalism has created a range of problems that threaten the stability and unity of the country. The issues associated with the system, including ethnic hate, regional resource disparities, and requests for independence, have led to widespread conflict and unrest. 

If policymakers fail to address these problems and reform the Ethnic Federalism system, the country could face severe consequences. The ongoing conflict and instability could worsen, leading to more deaths, displacement, and economic turmoil. Additionally, Ethiopia could become more isolated on the international stage, making it difficult for the country to attract foreign investment 5 and engage in productive diplomacy.


Adopting a Square Federalism system could potentially solve these problems by promoting greater integration and unity among Ethiopians. This system could dissolve ethnic views and encourage people to think about how they can grow together as a nation. By dividing the country into square regions, it would be possible to create Ethiopian people who can live together without worrying about their ethnicity. 

Square Federalism would also make it easier for people to move from region to region, promoting greater mobility and exchange of ideas. Moreover, the fair distribution of resources across the country would be guaranteed, as every region would have equal access to resources and development opportunities. 

Overall, the adoption of Square Federalism could be a positive step forward for Ethiopia, promoting greater unity, stability, and prosperity for all its citizens. It is crucial, therefore, that policymakers and citizens work together to explore this alternative system and consider its potential benefits for the country.